We get children reading

Globally, 64% of 10-year-olds cannot read and understand a simple story. You can help change that. Get children reading today so they can reach their potential.



When children read regularly, they grow up to be better educated adults with higher earning potential and stronger emotional intelligence. The future is bright when we get children reading.

Worldreader BookSmart app for children to read regularly
When a child reads, they start school ready to learn


When a child reads, they start school ready to learn and are more likely to succeed in school.

When a child reads and develops digital literacy skills

Earning Potential

When a child reads and develops digital literacy skills, they become employable adults, vital to the economy.

When a child reads, they develop essential cognitive and social skills

Emotional Intelligence

When a child reads, they develop essential cognitive and social skills like empathy, which supports positive social change.

We get children reading with BookSmart

With BookSmart, children have the required tools to build their reading skills through high-quality books, activities that reinforce reading skills in fun and interactive ways, and where they are celebrated for their reading success.

BookSmart, the digital reading solution for children by Worldreader

Get children reading so they can reach their potential

Every $1 invested in a child’s early learning can yield a $4 to $16 dollar return. Every dollar you contribute to Worldreader will be used to get children reading.

Explore the impact of reading on children around the world

Worldreader video Peru alma
Video Mary Plants a Tree by Worldreader

22 MILLION readers across 100 COUNTRIES

77 MILLION books read

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